Riley MacDonald
developer ...


Solutions and comments to some of the problems I've encountered as a developer.
Posted: June 2, 2023
After upgrading to an Apple M1, I struggled to enable repeating keys in Android Studios ideavim plugin. For example, holding j or k, doesn’t not allow for continuous movement of the cursor. Since I don’t mind enabling this globally on macOS, the following command resolved the issue for me: defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false […] read more...

Posted: August 23, 2022
This post explains how to debug Gradle scripts using Android Studio, enabling the use of live breakpoints, stepping and evaluations. Create a new Run/Debug Configuration from the Android Studio menu (Run -> Edit Configurations). From the Run/Debug Configuration dialog, press the + button to create a new run/debug configuration. Choose “Remote JVM Debug” Provide a […] read more...

Posted: May 14, 2020
My fix for disconnecting Wi-Fi on Lubuntu 18.04

Posted: February 3, 2020
How I resolved the iOS simulator not receiving physical keyboard input from the host machine read more...

Posted: January 29, 2020
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How I set the default directory mac os uses for storing screenshots taken with the built in screenshot utility read more...